Home Easy Recipes Toffee Apple Recipe

Toffee Apple Recipe

Toffee Apple Recipe

A sweet treat from childhood days! With our recipe, the Toffee Apple recipe ise sure to succeed.

Glossy and fruity-sweet, the sugar-coated apple quickly awakens childhood memories. It tastes like chili and makes the little ones’ eyes shine. So why wait until the next party? The candy is made in no time at all. With different toppings and skewered on real branches, the apples become a real eye-catcher.

Toffee Apple Recipe

Are toffee apples the same as candy apples?

Toffee apples and candy apples are similar in that they are both apples coated in a hard, sweet, and sticky coating. However, the main difference between the two is the type of coating that is used.

Toffee apples, also known as caramel apples, are made by coating apples in a toffee or caramel sauce that is made from sugar, butter, and cream. The apples are often rolled in nuts or other toppings after being coated in the toffee mixture. Toffee apples are a popular treat in the UK, particularly around Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Candy apples, on the other hand, are made by coating apples in a hard candy shell. The candy shell is made by heating sugar, corn syrup, and water to a high temperature and then allowing it to cool and harden. Candy apples are often colored red and are a popular treat in the United States, particularly around Halloween.

So while both toffee apples and candy apples are apples coated in a sweet and sticky coating, the main difference between the two is the type of coating that is used.

Why are toffee apples red?

Candy apples, on the other hand, are often red in color. This is because the red color is achieved by adding food coloring to the candy coating before it is applied to the apple. The red color is traditionally associated with candy apples, and many people associate the red color with the sweet and festive nature of the treat.

Toffee Apple Recipe

What do they call toffee apples in America?

In the United States, toffee apples are generally known as caramel apples. They are made by coating apples in a toffee or caramel sauce that is made from sugar, butter, and cream. The apples are often rolled in nuts or other toppings after being coated in the toffee mixture. Caramel apples are a popular treat in the United States, particularly around Halloween and the fall season.

It is worth noting that the term “toffee apple” is sometimes used in the United States to refer to a caramel apple, but this is not the most common term. “Caramel apple” is the more widely recognized term for this treat in the United States.

Are toffee apples healthy?

Toffee apples, also known as caramel apples, are not a particularly healthy snack. While apples do contain some nutrients and are a source of dietary fiber, the toffee or caramel coating is high in sugar and fat, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems if consumed in excess.

Eating a toffee apple as an occasional treat is not necessarily unhealthy, but it is important to consume these types of foods in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It is also a good idea to choose apples that are fresh and not coated in a thick layer of toffee or caramel, as this can help to reduce the overall sugar and fat content of the snack.

It is important to remember that a healthy diet consists of a variety of foods, including a balance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. It is also important to pay attention to portion sizes and to choose foods that are low in added sugars, saturated and trans fats, and sodium.

Toffee Apple Recipe

Best Toffee Apple Recipe

Servings: 8 Preparation:20 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Calories: 260 Fat: 7g


8 red unwaxed apples
700 g sugar
1 tsp red food coloring powder
1 tsp vinegar
8 ice cream sticks,


Only for experienced cooks! Wash apples thoroughly, rub dry well and remove stems. Insert popsicle sticks. Line a baking tray with baking paper and sprinkle with 150 g sugar.

Bring 550 g sugar, 60 ml water, color and vinegar to a boil in a tall, narrow, thick-bottomed pot while stirring. Boil for about 7 minutes, making sure the temperature is above 150 degrees or the coating will not set. Pour some syrup onto a saucer and test to see if it sets, otherwise boil longer. Be careful not to let it burn.

Remove saucepan from heat and turn apples, one at a time, in syrup until coated all around. Place on sugar bed with stem facing up and let dry thoroughly.

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Red Toffee Apple Recipe

Rating: 4.6/5
( 52 voted )
Serves: 8 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 260 calories 7 fat


  • 8 red unwaxed apples
  • 700 g sugar
  • 1 tsp red food coloring powder
  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • 8 ice cream sticks,


  1. Only for experienced cooks! Wash apples thoroughly, rub dry well and remove stems. Insert popsicle sticks. Line a baking tray with baking paper and sprinkle with 150 g sugar.  
  2. Bring 550 g sugar, 60 ml water, color and vinegar to a boil in a tall, narrow, thick-bottomed pot while stirring. Boil for about 7 minutes, making sure the temperature is above 150 degrees or the coating will not set. Pour some syrup onto a saucer and test to see if it sets, otherwise boil longer. Be careful not to let it burn.  
  3. Remove saucepan from heat and turn apples, one at a time, in syrup until coated all around. Place on sugar bed with stem facing up and let dry thoroughly.
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