Home Easy Recipes Apple Jam Recipe

Apple Jam Recipe

Apple Jam Recipe

Apple jam recipe is easy to make yourself. The delicious jam is not only suitable as a spread for your breakfast, but also as an ingredient to refine your yoghurt or muesli.

A delicious apple jam that invites you to an afternoon tea with a wonderful scent of citrus and cinnamon. This aromatic jam also goes well with breakfast on a croissant.

Apple Jam Recipe

Which apples are best for jam?

  1. Granny Smith apples: These apples are tart and firm, which makes them a good choice for jam as they hold their shape well and provide a good balance of sweet and sour flavors.
  2. Braeburn apples: Braeburn apples are a medium to large-sized apple with a sweet-tart flavor and firm texture, making them a good choice for jam.
  3. Honeycrip apples: These apples are sweet and juicy, with a crisp texture that holds up well when cooked. They can add a lot of flavor and sweetness to jam.
  4. Pink Lady apples: Pink Lady apples are a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Lady Williams apple, and have a sweet and tangy flavor. They have a firm texture and hold their shape well when cooked, making them a good choice for jam.

How long will apple jam keep?

Homemade apple jam will typically keep for several months when stored properly. To store your apple jam, transfer it to clean, sterilized jars with tight-fitting lids. Be sure to leave about a quarter inch of headspace at the top of the jar to allow for expansion during storage. Close the jars tightly and store them in a cool, dark place.

If stored properly, your apple jam should keep for several months. However, over time the quality of the jam may decline, and it may become more prone to spoilage. To ensure the best quality, it is recommended to use your apple jam within a few months of making it.

It is also important to note that if you are using a recipe that does not include a preservative, such as commercial pectin or lemon juice, the shelf life of your apple jam may be shorter. In these cases, it is recommended to store the jam in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

Apple Jam Recipe

Is apple jam the same as applesauce?

Apple jam and applesauce are similar in that they are both made from apples, but they are not the same thing.

Apple jam is a spread or preserve made from cooked apples that have been mashed or puréed and then combined with sugar and other ingredients, such as spices or fruit juice. The mixture is then cooked until it thickens and becomes spreadable. Apple jam is typically sweeter and thicker than applesauce, and is often used as a spread or condiment.

Applesauce, on the other hand, is a smooth purée made from cooked apples. It is typically made by cooking peeled and cored apples with a small amount of water or apple juice until they are soft, and then mashing or puréeing them until smooth. Applesauce is often used as a side dish or as an ingredient in baked goods, such as cakes and muffins. It is generally less sweet and thinner in consistency than apple jam.

What is the secret to making jam?

  1. Use ripe, flavorful fruit: Using ripe, flavorful fruit is essential for making good jam. The fruit should be at its peak of ripeness and flavor, as the flavor of the jam will depend on the quality of the fruit you use.
  2. Use the right amount of sugar: Sugar helps to preserve the fruit and gives jam its characteristic sweet flavor. The amount of sugar you use will depend on the type of fruit you are using and the recipe you are following. Be sure to use the right amount of sugar for your recipe to ensure the best results.
  3. Cook the jam until it reaches the proper consistency: The cooking time for jam will vary depending on the recipe you are using and the type of fruit you are using. Be sure to cook the jam for the recommended amount of time to ensure that it reaches the proper consistency.
  4. Use sterilized jars and lids: It is important to use clean, sterilized jars and lids when making jam to ensure that it is properly preserved. Wash the jars and lids in hot soapy water and rinse well, then place them in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes to sterilize them.
  5. Follow the recipe carefully: It is important to follow the recipe carefully when making jam to ensure that it turns out correctly. Pay attention to the proportions of ingredients and the cooking times specified in the recipe.
Apple Jam Recipe

Best Apple Jam Recipe

Servings: 15 Preparation:15 minutes Cooking time: 40 minutes Calories: 250 Fat: 3g


  • 4 cups cored and finely chopped apples
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp allspice
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg


  1. In a large pot, combine the chopped apples, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg.
  2. Place the pot over medium-high heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking the mixture until it thickens and becomes spreadable, about 30-40 minutes.
  4. As the mixture cooks, use a potato masher or immersion blender to break up the apples and create a smooth consistency.
  5. When the mixture has reached the desired consistency, remove the pot from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  6. Ladle the apple jam into clean, sterilized jars, leaving about a quarter inch of headspace at the top.
  7. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth and close the jars tightly with sterilized lids.
  8. The jam can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months. Alternatively, you can store the jars in the refrigerator for a shorter shelf life.

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Best Apple Jam Recipe

Rating: 4.7/5
( 54 voted )
Serves: 15 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 250 calories 3 fat


  • 4 cups cored and finely chopped apples
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp allspice
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg


  1. In a large pot, combine the chopped apples, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg.
  2. Place the pot over medium-high heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking the mixture until it thickens and becomes spreadable, about 30-40 minutes.
  4. As the mixture cooks, use a potato masher or immersion blender to break up the apples and create a smooth consistency.
  5. When the mixture has reached the desired consistency, remove the pot from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  6. Ladle the apple jam into clean, sterilized jars, leaving about a quarter inch of headspace at the top.
  7. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth and close the jars tightly with sterilized lids.
  8. The jam can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months. Alternatively, you can store the jars in the refrigerator for a shorter shelf life.
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