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Baby Aubergine Recipe

Baby Aubergine Recipe-Aubergines are not only ideal for slow-braising in the oven, they also taste really delicious grilled.

To prevent the Mediterranean vegetables from soaking up too much oil as they do in the pan and becoming too heavy in the stomach afterwards, just brush them thinly with a little olive oil on each side before putting them on the grill.

Sprinkled with feta cheese and crunchy pine nuts and finished with fresh mint, this dish is summery, light and delicious and is sure to win over many who have had little love for aubergine.

These delicious aubergines not only make a great barbecue side dish, but are also highly recommended as a starter or vegetarian main course.

Baby Aubergine Recipe

What would you usually do with an aubergine?

  • Eggplant parmesan: Thinly sliced aubergines are breaded and fried, then layered with tomato sauce, cheese, and herbs and baked until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Ratatouille: A traditional French dish made from a variety of vegetables, including aubergines, tomatoes, bell peppers, and zucchini, which are cooked together in a flavorful tomato-based sauce.
  • Baba ghanoush: A Middle Eastern dip made from roasted aubergines that are mashed and mixed with tahini, lemon juice, and spices.
  • Grilled aubergine: Sliced aubergines can be brushed with oil and grilled until tender and caramelized. They can be served as a side dish or used in sandwiches or salads.
  • Stir-fried aubergine: Cubed aubergines can be stir-fried with other vegetables and served over rice or noodles.

Do you peel an aubergine before cooking?

It is generally not necessary to peel an aubergine before cooking it. The skin of an aubergine is thin and edible, and it contains nutrients such as fiber and antioxidants. However, there are a few situations in which you might want to peel an aubergine:

  • If the aubergine has a tough or bitter skin, peeling it may help to improve the texture and flavor of the finished dish.
  • If the aubergine is going to be pureed or mashed, such as in a dip like baba ghanoush, peeling it may help to create a smoother texture.
  • If the aubergine is going to be sliced thinly, such as for grilling or frying, peeling it may help to create more uniform slices and improve the overall appearance of the dish.

To peel an aubergine, you can use a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife. Start at the top of the aubergine and slice off the stem end, then continue peeling around the circumference of the vegetable, removing the skin in strips. Alternatively, you can slice the aubergine into rounds or cubes and then peel off the skin from each piece.

Baby Aubergine Recipe

How big are baby aubergines?

The size of baby aubergines can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. Some baby aubergines may be as small as a few inches in length, while others may be larger, up to around 8 inches long. Generally, baby aubergines are smaller and more slender than mature aubergines, and they tend to have more delicate, tender skin. They can be any color, from the more common shades of purple and green to yellow, white, or even striped. Baby aubergines are often used in dishes where their small size is a visual advantage, such as in a stir-fry or skewers. They can also be grilled, roasted, or baked and served as a side dish or used in a salad.

What is the difference between baby eggplant and regular eggplant?

Baby eggplants are a type of eggplant that are smaller and more slender than mature eggplants. They are usually harvested when they are young and have not yet reached full size, which means that their skin is often more tender and less bitter than that of a mature eggplant. Baby eggplants are generally sweeter and more flavorful than mature eggplants, and they tend to have a more delicate texture.

Mature eggplants, on the other hand, are larger and more full-bodied in flavor. They have thicker skin that is often more bitter and tougher, and their flesh can be more dense and fibrous. Mature eggplants are often used in dishes where they are the main ingredient, such as in a ratatouille or an eggplant parmesan, and they are often sliced or diced and cooked by methods such as grilling, frying, or baking.

There are many different varieties of eggplants, and the size, shape, and color can vary widely. Baby eggplants are just one type of eggplant, and they are often used for their small size and delicate flavor.

Baby Aubergine Recipe

Best Baby Aubergine Recipe

Servings: 2 Preparation:5 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes Calories: 207 Fat: 17g


1 aubergine
1 handful mint
100 g feta
25 g pine nuts
Olive oil
Pepper, salt


Cut the aubergines into 1 cm wide slices. Roast the pine nuts in a pan without fat until golden brown. Finely chop the mint.

Brush the aubergine slices on both sides with olive oil and grill on the barbecue for approx. 3-4 minutes, turning once.

Arrange the slices on a plate and season with a little salt and pepper. Crumble the feta over the top and sprinkle with the pine nuts and mint. Drizzle with a little olive oil and serve while still warm.

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Roasted Baby Aubergine Recipe

Rating: 4.7/5
( 41 voted )
Serves: 2 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 207 calories 17 fat


  • 1 aubergine
  • 1 handful mint
  • 100 g feta
  • 25 g pine nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper, salt


  1. Cut the aubergines into 1 cm wide slices. Roast the pine nuts in a pan without fat until golden brown. Finely chop the mint.
  2. Brush the aubergine slices on both sides with olive oil and grill on the barbecue for approx. 3-4 minutes, turning once.
  3. Arrange the slices on a plate and season with a little salt and pepper. Crumble the feta over the top and sprinkle with the pine nuts and mint. Drizzle with a little olive oil and serve while still warm.
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