Home Healthy Recipes Baked Camembert Recipe

Baked Camembert Recipe

Baked Camembert Recipe

Baked Camembert Recipe is real comfort food – especially on cold days. Delicately melting cheese, fresh baguette and a glass of mulled wine and nothing stands in the way of a cosy evening. Making your own oven cheese and spicing it up is really quite simple. I like to refine my cheese with a delicious combination of ingredients: figs, nuts, rosemary, thyme and honey.

Baked Camembert is the perfect recipe for all cheese lovers. Cheese is always delicious, but melting gently and warm is an absolute dream! The oven camembert with nuts and figs is ready on the plate in 15 minutes and tastes wonderfully savoury and spicy.

Baked Camembert Recipe

How long does Camembert need in the oven?

Camembert is a type of soft cheese that is typically baked in the oven for a short period of time, usually about 10-15 minutes. The goal of baking Camembert is to warm it up and soften it, not to cook it, so you should be careful not to bake it for too long. To bake Camembert, preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C) and place the cheese in an oven-safe dish. Bake it for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is soft and gooey. You can serve the Camembert immediately, with crackers or bread for dipping. Enjoy!

What do you eat baked camembert with?

Baked Camembert is typically served with crackers, bread, or vegetables for dipping. Some people like to serve it with a variety of dips, spreads, and accompaniments, such as chutney, fruit compote, or honey. You can also serve it with sliced meats, such as prosciutto or salami, or with pickled vegetables. Baked Camembert is a delicious and versatile cheese that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Experiment with different accompaniments to find the combination that you like best.

Baked Camembert Recipe

What do you put Camembert in before baking?

When baking Camembert, it is typically placed in an oven-safe dish before being placed in the oven. Some people like to bake Camembert in a small, shallow dish or on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Others prefer to bake it in a ceramic dish or a ramekin. You can also bake Camembert in a small cast iron skillet or a terracotta dish. Choose a dish that is the right size for the amount of Camembert you are baking and that will allow the cheese to heat up and soften evenly.

Do you put lid on Camembert when baking?

It is not necessary to put a lid on Camembert when baking it. Camembert is a soft cheese that is typically baked in the oven for a short period of time, usually about 10-15 minutes, in order to warm it up and soften it. Baking the cheese with a lid on it could cause it to become overcooked and dry, as the steam created by the baking process would not be able to escape.

To bake Camembert, preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C) and place the cheese in an oven-safe dish. You can bake the cheese in a small, shallow dish or on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, or in a ceramic dish or a ramekin. Bake the cheese for 10-15 minutes, or until it is soft and gooey. You can serve the Camembert immediately, with crackers or bread for dipping. Enjoy!

Baked Camembert Recipe

Why is my baked Camembert not runny?

  1. The cheese was not at room temperature: Camembert is a soft cheese that is best served at room temperature. If the cheese was too cold when you put it in the oven, it may not have had a chance to become as soft and runny as it would have if it had been at room temperature.
  2. You baked the cheese for too long: Camembert should be baked for just 10-15 minutes, or until it is soft and gooey. If you baked it for too long, it may have become overcooked and less runny.
  3. The cheese was past its expiration date: Camembert is a perishable cheese that will begin to harden and lose its creamy texture as it ages. If the cheese was past its expiration date, it may not have been as soft and runny as it would have been if it was fresher.
  4. The cheese was not of high quality: Some types of Camembert are made with higher-quality ingredients and have a softer, creamier texture than others. If you used a cheaper, lower-quality cheese, it may not have been as soft and runny as a higher-quality brand.

If you are still having trouble getting your baked Camembert to be as soft and runny as you would like, try adjusting the baking time or using a different, higher-quality brand of Camembert.

Can you overcook baked Camembert?

Yes, it is possible to overcook baked Camembert. Camembert is a soft cheese that is best served warm and gooey, and baking it for too long can cause it to become overcooked and less creamy. If the cheese is baked for too long, it may become dry and crumbly, and may lose some of its characteristic soft, creamy texture.

To avoid overcooking your baked Camembert, be sure to follow the recipe or instructions carefully, and keep an eye on the cheese as it bakes. The cheese should be soft and gooey when it is ready, and it should not be browned or burnt. If the cheese is browned or burnt, it has been overcooked.

If you find that your baked Camembert has become overcooked and is no longer as soft and creamy as you would like, there may not be much you can do to fix it. However, you can try serving the cheese with a dip or spread, such as honey or fruit compote, to add moisture and flavor. You can also try serving the cheese with crackers, bread, or vegetables for dipping, which can help to soften the cheese and make it more enjoyable.

Baked Camembert Recipe

Is baked Camembert healthy?

Like most cheeses, baked Camembert is a good source of protein and calcium, and it can be part of a healthy diet in moderation. However, it is also high in fat, sodium, and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Baked Camembert can be a tasty and indulgent treat, but it is not a particularly health-conscious choice. If you are trying to watch your fat, sodium, or calorie intake, you may want to consider choosing a lower-fat cheese or a different type of snack.

That being said, there are ways to make baked Camembert a healthier choice. For example, you can serve it with a variety of vegetables or whole grain crackers for dipping, which can help to balance out the richness of the cheese. You can also try using a lower-fat or reduced-sodium Camembert or using a smaller portion size to reduce the overall fat and calorie content of the dish.

What to serve after baked camembert?

Baked Camembert is a delicious and versatile cheese that can be served as an appetizer or as a part of a larger meal. Here are a few ideas for dishes to serve after baked Camembert:

  1. Salad: A light, refreshing salad can be a great way to cleanse the palate after eating rich, creamy cheese like Camembert. Try a simple mixed green salad with a vinaigrette dressing, or a more elaborate salad with a variety of vegetables and toppings.
  2. Grilled vegetables: Grilled vegetables are a tasty and healthy option to serve after baked Camembert. Try grilling a variety of vegetables, such as zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, and onions, and serve them with a flavorful dressing or dipping sauce.
  3. Roasted meats: Roasted meats, such as chicken, pork, or beef, can make a satisfying main course after a cheese appetizer like baked Camembert. Serve the meat with a variety of side dishes, such as roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or grains.
  4. Soup: A bowl of warm, hearty soup can be a comforting way to round out a meal that includes baked Camembert. Try a creamy soup, such as a classic French onion soup or a velvety pumpkin soup, or a more brothy soup, like a chicken noodle or a minestrone.
  5. Dessert: If you want to finish your meal on a sweet note, you can serve a dessert after baked Camembert. Choose a sweet that complements the rich, creamy flavor of the cheese, such as a fruit tart, a chocolate truffle, or a crème brûlée.
Baked Camembert Recipe

Best Baked Camembert Recipe

Servings: 2 Preparation: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Calories: 478 Fat: 25g


30 g nuts – for example walnuts and hazelnuts
2 figs
1 sprig rosemary
1 sprig thyme
1 camembert – in a wooden bowl
1 tsp honey


Preheat the oven to 200°C top/bottom heat.

Coarsely chop the nuts. Wash and quarter the figs.

Chop the thyme and rosemary.

Place the Camembert on a baking tray covered with baking paper and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Then take it out, score the cheese crosswise and fold the sides over. Drizzle the Camembert with honey and season with rosemary and thyme. Bake in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Garnish the oven cheese with figs and nuts.

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Best Baked Camembert Recipe

Rating: 4.8/5
( 41 voted )
Serves: 2 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 478 calories 25 fat


  • 30 g nuts - for example walnuts and hazelnuts
  • 2 figs
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 1 camembert - in a wooden bowl
  • 1 tsp honey


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C top/bottom heat.  
  2. Coarsely chop the nuts. Wash and quarter the figs.  
  3. Chop the thyme and rosemary.  
  4. Place the Camembert on a baking tray covered with baking paper and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Then take it out, score the cheese crosswise and fold the sides over. Drizzle the Camembert with honey and season with rosemary and thyme. Bake in the oven for another 5 minutes.  
  5. Garnish the oven cheese with figs and nuts.
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